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Our Services

We provide therapy for individuals, couples, and families. The following are some of the common reasons people seek therapy and how it can help.


We now serve Florida, Georgia and Massachusetts!

Therapeutic Approaches

At Embolden Therapeutic Services, we engage in a holistic approach and believe in treating the whole person. We utilize evidence-based care to ensure the highest quality and most effective treatment for our clients. You will work together with your therapist to develop a treatment plan that best meets your needs. Here are some common treatments you are likely to see on your plan of care:

​Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

CBT is effective in identifying and changing negative thought patterns and behaviors, helping individuals manage a wide range of mental health issues. It is a collaborative and effective tool that you will be able to use in your everyday life.

​Exposure Therapy

Exposure therapy gradually reduces fear responses by confronting phobias or anxiety-provoking situations in a controlled manner. 

Motivational Interviewing (MI)​

MI enhances intrinsic motivation and commitment to change, particularly useful in addiction treatment and behavior modification.


Mindfulness practices promote present-moment awareness and non-judgmental acceptance, reducing stress and improving emotional regulation. Mindfulness has been found to be a powerful tool for many mental and physical health challenges.

Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT)

ACT encourages acceptance of emotional experiences while committing to personal values, fostering psychological flexibility and helping you to anchor yourself and "defuse" from unhelpful thoughts.


Psychoanalysis explores unconscious motivations and early life experiences to gain insight into current behaviors and emotional struggles. This technique is often used in combination with the aforementioned approaches. 

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